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For Attorneys


These days I limit my practice to civil trials, criminal defense and appeals.  I operate on the theory this concentration will bring efficiency and effectiveness and thereby increase revenues.   The State Bar doesn’t like us to talk about specialization outside of the categories they recognize; so I say I am “concentrating” on civil litigation, criminal defense and appeals.  


If you encounter a client with a case that you think might need the services of a litigation attorney, in addition to yourself, I would be most interested in assisting you as co-counsel to whatever extent you might request, from brief-writing to sitting first chair and every stage in between. 


I am particularly interested in personal injury cases.  I had a good practice in that area until the advent of “lawyer-advertising”.   I would be very pleased to divide the fee with you on whatever basis you consider fair.


Any time you want to discuss a case, please do not hesitate to contact me.  With my focus on Litigation, I cannot assist a Client in any other area so my connection with your Client ends when the Case ends. 

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